Tag Archives: foods

Survival Foods For Hikers

Survival foods are not the most important thing in most emergency situations in the wilderness. You survive weeks without eating if you have to, so it is usually more important to find shelter, water, and stay dry and uninjured. On the other hand, just knowing you can find food out there, and having something in your stomach, can do wonders for your state of mind, which CAN be crucial to your survival.

What then, do you need to know about survival foods? First forget the idea that you need to learn every last edible wild plant. I love learning about new edible plants, but very few of them provide enough calories to be worth the effort in a survival situation. What you need s to know a few basic categories of animals you can eat, and some of the most abundant and calorie-rich plants. Continue reading Survival Foods For Hikers

The Purpose Behind Emergency Foods Or A Survival Kit

Why would I need emergency food or a survival kit? Because of this simple fact: The world’s population rate is growing rapidly and so is the demand for food to feed this growing population. Our food demands are outgrowing our food supply resources, commercial growers just can’t keep up with this huge demand, so you do the math.

That’s not the only reason we could have a food shortage, just look at the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. A perfect example of how a natural disaster can disrupt one’s ability to find basic living essentials during an emergency.

If you’re thinking this could never happen to me, think again! Continue reading The Purpose Behind Emergency Foods Or A Survival Kit